Jerome Blais - Le miroir d'argent (2012)
Paul Steffler - Book of Manners (2009)
Kevin Morse - The Unnamed Lake (2013) Kevin Morse
text by Frederick George Scott (1861-1944)
Lucas Oickle - Skyglow (2013) (World Premiere)
Derek Charke - (from) The Grand-Pre Project (2009): Blizzard; between the shore and the ships
Sandy Moore - (from) The Grand-Pre Project (2009): Tout passe
Anthony Genge - Motion (2004)
W.L. Altman - Silly Love Songs (2009)
Helen Pridmore, voice; Nadia Francavilla, violin; Andrew Reed Miller, contrabass; Karin Aurell, flutes; Richard Hornsby, clarinets; D’Arcy P. Gray, percussion